Pay Day Loan

There are times when we fall short of cash before the next pay day due to unexpected expenses. Such situations that often happen to people include to pay for the expensive medical and hospital bills in Singapore, tuition fees, home rentals, or for birthday surprises for your love ones or anniversary celebrations, etc. Therefore, instead of having to borrow emergency money from family or friends to pay off the unexpected expenses, or taking cash advance from Singapore banks that comes with very high interest rates, the best option is to apply for payday loan from licensed moneylenders in Singapore. Payday loans in Singapore is well-known for being a short-term solution to cover expenses with repayment during the next salary day. In fact, most licensed moneylenders Singapore offer fast payday loan approval which will help ease your worries over money issues. In addition, loan application is relatively easy with most offering online payday loan application.

At Swift Credit, our payday loan is very popular among our customers in Singapore due to the really simple online payday loan application and highly competitive interest rate. In addition, Swift Credit value add by offering fast payday loan approval within mins with the right documents provided. Our simple payday loan application process starts with a short discussion on the amount of payday loan you require. From the discussion, we will assess whether you are suitable for the payday loan. After which, our friendly loan consultant will go through the terms and conditions with you as well as agree on the interest rate of the loan. Once the application is approved and you agreed to the terms and conditions, we will disbursed the loan amount is cash instantly.

Some documents to bring along to Swift Credit when applying for payday loan include proof of residence and notice of assessment. Given our fast payday loan approval, most borrowers are able to get their cash on the same day of apply. Note that, once you get your next pay check, you would need to pay back the loan and start managing your expenses.

Highlights of our payday loan at Swift Credit include:

  • Highly attractive repayment rates
  • Simple and fast payday loan approval process
  • Easy online payday loan application
  • Hassle-free paperwork
  • Bad credit rating is not factor in getting your loan approved
  • Instant cash upon approval

For more information of our payday loan packages, call Swift Credit at +65 6684 4129.

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